- Detection and identification of chemical warfare agents through high performance instrumental techniques. Participation at the international inter-laboratory tests under the supervision of the Organization for the Prohibition of the Chemical Weapons;
- Chemical decontamination of surfaces and radioactive;
- Individual and collective protection against mass destruction weapons;
- Technologies for obtaining antidote against chemical warfare agents; decontaminant technologies, specific drugs, adsorbents and catalysts for neutralization of chemical warfare agents, specific reagents for detection;
- Hiding the troupes and battle techniques in the electromagnetic field;
- Periodic analysis of CBRN defense equipment on national territory in the endowment of all army forces and components of the National Defense System;
- Assuring the maintenance for chemical and nuclear national control applied to all force categories;
- Execution of tests for ballistic protection means available in army endowment;
- Participation at the crisis commandments constituted nationally in the case of chemical, nuclear, radiological, ecologic, disasters.