
METRA’s basic mission is to perform fundamental oriented, applied scientific research and technological development in order to introduce  the technical progress in the military field, to create new types of military technique with superior performances, as well as for modernizing existing ones, with reduced resources.

In order to fulfill its tasks, METRA follows certain objectives:

  • assures the functional frame, necessary for the identification of armed forces needs and scientific solutions, for an optimal result;
  • participates, by its specific ways, to fulfill armed forces interoperability objectives;
  • develops certain activities to align to NATO and European Union defense and security;
  • identifies the necessary resources for the modernization of the present test and evaluation, in order to set the optimal solutions for the validation /certification of R & D results, as well as their dissemination towards the internal beneficiary and economical agents;
  • assures the organizational framework, technical and human resources for test and evaluation and the products certification in accordance to NATO military standards;
  • accomplishes the institutional framework necessary for the complementary approach of the research and development objectives and ensures the possibility to participate to the research projects within national and international associations;
  • develops adjusting proposals of the legislative framework within the research and development domain, in accordance to the military system particularities;
  • assures the research and development results dissemination within the military system, the defense industry as well as for other industries too;
  • identifies trends in R & D military worldwide and sets the objective perspective in order to guide the research effort by national achievement;
  • ensures organizational framework necessary for establishment of research teams in top domains.